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Welcome to Parent Student Handbook Online

Welcome to the Parent Student Handbook. It provides essential information about the policies and procedures that the school expects parents and students to understand and follow. By reading the Handbook and signing the Acknowledgment parents and students agree to be bound by the school’s Code of Conduct and all other school policies and procedures. You can print out a copy of the Handbook if you wish, but the binding document is the one that is online. The school reserves the right to amend the Parent Student Handbook at any time. Parents/guardians will be notified of any amendments and will be asked to sign an acknowledgment of receipt.

Maria Regina School

13510 South Van Ness Ave.

Gardena, CA 90249

(310) 327-9133


Principal's Welcome


Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to a new school year at Maria Regina School!  The administration, faculty, and staff look forward to working in partnership with you to provide a quality education that will prepare each student for the future.  It is our intent to lead students toward becoming disciplined, productive, informed, self-directed and fulfilled individuals.  In order for us to achieve these ideals, mutual respect and understanding must be present in the learning process on the part of all stakeholders.  For that reason, our goal at Maria Regina School is to build a Catholic community where students grow in faith, knowledge, integrity and service. 

At Maria Regina School, the staff and I will continue to work diligently with parents to foster an atmosphere that promotes a learning community characterized by child-centered instruction and decisions, academic excellence, trust, respect, community involvement, excellent communication, and recognition of all stakeholders.  Thus, we ask that you read this Parent Student Handbook carefully.  It contains information on the guidelines, policies and procedures that have been established to make Maria Regina School a positive and safe learning environment.  Please become familiar with our mission, philosophy and Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLEs).  It is through cooperative efforts and mutual support that we provide the best community for our students.

I am grateful for the opportunity to serve you as principal of Maria Regina School.  I will continue to collaborate with you to further develop and implement this shared vision.  Working together as a team, we will move forward in our mission this school year to create a nurturing, discipline and challenging environment in which all students can learn at optimal levels and become responsible, productive members of society.  Your suggestions, comments and questions are always welcome and valued.  Please feel free to contact me whenever a need arises.  Let us pray and work together to ensure a successful year at Maria Regina School.



Mrs. Lynnette Lino
