Skip Navigation LinksSaint Joseph High School (Lakewood) > chapter-4-ADMISSION AND ATTENDANCE > section-4-08-Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

​Student Drop off / Arrival

School parking lot gates (main campus and Flynn) open at 7:20 am. The Jester Café and Jester Learning Center opens at 7:20 am.

In the morning, parents/guardians/car pools should drop off students off in one of the SJHS parking lots:
  • The main parking lot is available for drop off and pick up. The north gate of the parking lot is for entrance only and the south gate is for exit only. NO LEFT TURN allowed from the south gate.
  • The Flynn parking lot is available for drop off and pick up of freshmen. The north gate of the parking lot is for entrance only and the south gate is for exit only. All freshmen are to be dropped off and picked up at the Flynn Center unless they are in a carpool with an upper-class student.
Drivers should follow the traffic flow in the parking lots, follow directions from the SJHS Security and Staff and obey all traffic regulations, i.e., no blocking of drive-ways and no dropping-off of students in red zones. Drivers, including drivers of carpools, should never park in numbered parking spots which are reserved for school employees or in visitor’s spots during drop-off and pick-up.

Students are expected to remain on campus once they arrive in the morning regardless how early they arrive.  They may not leave campus to go to vehicles, local stores, fast food establishments, or the homes of friends who live nearby. If a student leaves campus without permission, she will be subject to disciplinary action.

Student Pick-Up / Departure
The entrances to the parking lots are closed for 10 minutes after the final bell to allow student drivers to exit safely.

All students who are waiting for rides must remain on the sidewalk or area designated be the parking lot attendants until their rides arrive. Students who have not been picked up by 4:30pm are asked to wait in Chapel Court or in the Jester Learning Center ONLY.

A student may be subject to disciplinary action if the person picking her up parks in a red zone, double parks, or poses a danger by driving or parking illegally.

The school main office opens at 7:30 am and closes at 3:00 pm, Monday –Thursday, and Friday 7:30am – 2:15 pm.  There will be limited supervision for students who remain on campus. Security officers are available throughout the day.

