Student Drivers

Students who drive automobiles or other motor vehicles to campus must be licensed drivers. Therefore, they are responsible for all regulations in using these vehicles on or near campus.

On-Campus parking is restricted to those students who fully subscribe to all parking lot regulations of Saint Joseph High School. Seniors and Juniors (students with driver’s licenses) who want to use the parking lot must register and obtain a yearly parking decal. Parking decals may be paid for and obtained in the Student Store.

If a student parks her car in the lot without a parking decal, she is subject to disciplinary action.

Parking Regulations

Faculty and staff have numbered parking spaces in both the Main Campus parking lot and the Flynn Center parking lot. Visitor parking (including attendance office parking) spaces are reserved also. The remainder of the parking spaces are available for students and overflow visitors. Any driver—student, parent/guardian, or visitor—who violates parking lot regulations, may lose the privilege to park on campus.

A Misconduct slip (with detention) will be issued for a student’s first parking violation during a school year. If a student receives a second violation, in addition to the Misconduct and detention, the matter will be referred to the Dean of Student Life and her parking privileges may be revoked.

Parking regulations are as follows:
  • Student parking decals must be displayed on the windshield, upper left-hand corner (driver’s side).
  • The maximum speed limit in the parking lots is l0 miles per hour.
  • Do not park in numbered parking spots, which are reserved for administration, faculty and staff, during school hours.
  • Students should not park in VISITOR parking spots.
  • Parking along the fence behind the MPB is never allowed. Fire regulations dictate this policy.
  • Student parking behind the Flynn in strip mall parking spots is never allowed
  • The school is not legally liable for auto accidents occurring in the campus parking lots or other areas on campus, i.e., hit and runs, fender benders, etc. All who use the parking lots do so at their own risk. SJHS is aligned with the ADLA Administrative Handbook,
  • Students are not permitted to “loiter” in the parking lot during school hours without permission, including before school, during lunch/breaks, or after school.
SJHS will notify the sheriff's department of persons loitering on the school grounds. Anyone aware of such a person is asked to inform an administrator or the front office staff immediately.

