Students and parents/guardians must be impressed with the importance of regular school attendance, as required by law.  Regular attendance is an important factor in academic success.  Students are expected to be in class daily and to be punctual.

Current home and work phone numbers must be provided to the school on the emergency card so that immediate contact can be made regarding any emergency or any irregularity in attendance.  When parents/guardians are out of town, it is the parent's/guardian's responsibility to inform the school as to who will assume guardianship (responsibility for the student).

Students may not leave the campus during the school day or during school functions without the knowledge and permission of the administration.  Students are not released to strangers or to callers without written parental or guardian consent.
Parents/Guardians must call the Attendance office between 7:30 AM and 8:30 AM each day the student is absent.

Upon returning to school after an absence, the student will bring to the Attendance Office a note containing:
1. student's full name
2. student's grade
3. date(s) of absence
4. the explicit reason for the absence
5. the signature of the parent/guardian and
6. the phone number(s) at which parent/guardian may be contacted during the school day.
Students without notes will receive truant admit slips and cannot make up work or exams.  This missing of class will count as an unexcused absence.
By 8:00 AM on the day of the return to school after the absence of any duration (even one period), a student must obtain a re-admit slip from the Attendance Office.  No student will be admitted to class without a re-admit.

Legally, emails as a form of Absence Communication is not acceptable or valid.  A physical note from the parent/legal guardian along with name, date, reason and signature must be provided in the note upon student return. Students accumulating more than five (5) unexcused absences or more than ten (10) excused/unexcused absences in any course may have their grade will be dropped a letter grade (10%) for that course.

A strict policy is enforced regarding absences. The following are acceptable reasons for absences:

  1. Illness**
  2. Medical/Dental Appointments*
  3. Funerals
  4. Quarantine
  5. Court Appearances*
  6. Approved school activities or approved college visits.

*To be excused, these absences require written documentation from the medical or court facility indicating date and length of time student was at the facility.
**For illnesses beyond two days, a doctor's note is required.

(No written documentation)
Unverified absences are considered truancies unless reclassified within five days of return to school.

All absences that are not excused are considered truancies.
1. Absences for other than the above reasons, even with the permission of parents/guardians, are considered unexcused.  Parents/guardians should realize that a student's grade may suffer because of unexcused absences.  Students may not request makeup work for an unexcused absence.  Students who accumulate 10 or more excused and unexcused absences in a semester (per class period) may be denied credit for the semester.
2. Santa Clara High School does not recognize "ditch days." Truancy is a serious matter for a number of reasons.  Truancy encourages dishonesty, a violation of the Eighth Commandment.  Truancy can lead to unsafe even dangerous activities ( i.e. injury, illegal drinking, drug use, and/or sex) when large numbers of teenagers are without adult supervision. Truancy is wasteful because it causes loss of instruction time and parent's tuition money. Truancy "teaches" a lack of order and discipline. Truancy sets a bad example for younger students.Parents/guardians, who "cover" for their son/daughter by writing a note saying they were sick when they were not, provide bad example and engage in dishonest and sinful behavior.

When students return to class with appropriate documentation and are issued a readmit indicating that the absence was excused, they have an equivalent amount of time to make-up assignments or exams.  For example, if they were out two school days, they have two school days after their return to make-up any work or exams. Students are responsible for communicating with their teacher(s) and are responsible for any missing work due to an excused absence.

Parents/guardians requests for an extended absence (two or more days) are to be directed to the Vice Principal who will determine the status of the absence.

To receive credit in any course of study, a student must pass the class and be in attendance at school for any class within a semester without excessive unexcused absences.

Loss of Credit: When a student accumulates more than five (5) unexcused absences or more than ten (10)  excused/unexcused absences in any course, their grade will be dropped a letter grade (10%) for that course. Students should be aware that arriving 20 minutes late to a class constitutes an absence.

Appeals to reinstate credit: The Vice-Principal, Assistant Principal of Academics, Counselor, and  Dean of Students constitute the Review Board and will evaluate appeals from students and their parents to reinstate credit that has been withheld. The Review Board, with the approval of the Principal, reserves the right to reinstate or deny credit.

If credit is denied, the student may be required to withdraw from Santa Clara. If the student is allowed to continue enrollment, denied credit must be made up.

The school strongly discourages parents/guardians from withdrawing their students from school for vacations or family trips during the regular school year.  The school does not allow the student to make up the work he/she misses.  Parents/guardians are asked to plan vacations during regular school vacation periods. 

The school strictly enforces the policy of not excusing absences that occur during school days for vacation purposes.  Out of 365 days in the year, 180 (less than half) are reserved for school by law.  Please plan all vacations during the 185 non-school days.  The school does not make exceptions to this policy. Thank you for helping us to underscore academics as the first priority while school is in session.

Students are encouraged to visit college campuses during school breaks and on extended weekends.  Juniors may be given a maximum of two excused days and Seniors may be given a maximum of five excused days for college visits.  Prior approval must be requested and approved by the student's college counselor and Vice-Principal at least one week in advance. Failure to provide the Vice Principal and college counselor of your absence with one week's notice will result in the absence being unexcused. Students are responsible for all work missed in class while on a college visit.  

