Skip Navigation LinksSanta Clara High School > chapter-8-DISCIPLINE > section-8-1-Philosophy > topic-8-1-01-Discipline and Procedures


"Real love is demanding. I would fail in my mission if I did not clearly tell you so. For it was Jesus – our Jesus Himself – who said, "You are my friends if you do what I command you" (Jn 15:14). Love demands effort and a personal commitment to the will of God. It means discipline and sacrifice, but it also means joy and human fulfillment."(Pope John Paul's address at Boston, 

October 1979)

Discipline in the Catholic School is to be considered an aspect of moral guidance, and not simply a form of punishment.  The purpose of discipline is to promote genuine pupil development; to increase respect for duly constituted authority, to assist in the growth of deeper motives for self-discipline, and to provide a classroom situation conducive to learning.  The behavior of Santa Clara High School students is expected to be exemplary at all times, particularly on campus and at school-sponsored events.  When a concern arises about a student's behavior either within or outside the classroom, the citizenship process involves cooperation among parents, faculty, counselors, administrators, and students.  Through this collaboration, we expect that the student will recognize and modify the behavior that needs changing.  However, the student conducts not in conformity with the school's moral code, evident lack of parental cooperation, or conduct detrimental to the reputation of the school may result in dismissal or a request for the withdrawal of the student.  All students and parents will be required to sign an Honor Code contract at the beginning of each school year.

It is expected that all students conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the accepted norms of Christian values on and off-campus and at all school activities.  Respect and love of others should be a pervasive theme guiding all student interactions.  Students should address faculty, staff, and other students politely, courteously, and respectfully in a spirit of friendliness and in an atmosphere of cooperation essential to an educational community.  Repeated negative attitudes and behavior destructive to the community will not be tolerated and will result in immediate action or remediation.  Such action can include but is not limited to:  teacher conference, professional counseling at parent's expense, probation, suspension, or expulsion.

When a student enrolls at Santa Clara High School, it is understood that the individual and the family agree to comply with the school rules, regulations, policies, and procedures.

At the end of each semester, each student's discipline file will be reviewed by the Dean of Students, Vice Principal, and Principal.  Santa Clara High School reserves the right to ask any student not to return to Santa Clara High School if that student has failed to follow the rules of the school and its attempts to correct negative behavior.

• A student must learn to exercise self-discipline.
• A student must strive to make good choices and take personal responsibility for his or her behavior.
• The school will make discipline decisions based on the common good of the whole school community as well as the individual.
• The school will be consistent in applying the discipline process while considering individual circumstances.
• The school reserves the right to implement discipline procedures off-campus outside of school hours, where student actions are determined to have harmed the good reputation of the school.
• Parents must recognize that the School acts in place of the parents when dealing with student conduct.
Parents must recognize that by enrolling their students at Santa Clara, they have agreed to comply with and help enforce all school rules and regulations.


Classroom Teachers: Are responsible for dealing with classroom infractions by implementing the following steps:

1. Correct and warn the student immediately.
2. If the student misbehaves further: Confer with the student after the class or school and contact the parent by email or phone.
3. If the student misbehaves further: Assign a detention period after school supervised by the teacher.
4. If the student misbehaves further: Refer the student to the Dean and the student will enter the discipline process at the appropriate step of severity.

All major violations of discipline must be reported to the Dean immediately. If a student's behavior is severely disruptive, uncooperative, and/or unruly a Dean or another administrator must be summoned to the classroom to escort the student to the appropriate office. ​

