Skip Navigation LinksSanta Clara High School > chapter-8-DISCIPLINE > section-8-1-Philosophy > topic-8-1-07-Academic Dishonesty Policy

​​Academic integrity Policy

All students are expected to demonstrate in daily living, on and off-campus, those moral virtues encompassed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Moreover, students have a duty to be truthful and just and to demonstrate integrity in their academic life by presenting only their own work or assignment for assessment. Copying assignments, cheating on exams, tests or quizzes, plagiarism, dishonesty and falsification of records are examples of violations of academic integrity.  
Therefore, students must not:

  • Copy work from another student or assist another student with copying
  • Cheat on an exam, quiz, project, homework, classwork, etc.
  • Aid other students during an exam without expressed permission from the teacher
  • Use any unauthorized aid on exams or assignments
  • Use, purchase, or plagiarize the work of any person with or without the expressed permission of the owner of the work.

    The academic consequences for participating in copying, cheating, and/or plagiarism is an automatic zero on the assignment and/or suspension.  Repeated offenses may result in expulsion.

    Plagiarize: steal and pass off as one's own the ideas or words of another.  2. to commit literary theft.  3. to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source. Source: Webster's Third New International Dictionary

    If a student copies work from another student or assists another student with copying:
  • The teacher will confiscate the material from both parties involved.
  • Both students will receive a zero for the assignment. 
  • The teacher will contact the parents, write up an academic integrity report, and turn in materials along with the report to the Dean.

1st offense: Saturday detention
2nd offense: Suspension
3rd offense: Expulsion
 If a student cheats on an exam or quiz, or aids another student during an exam without expressed permission from the teacher, or uses any unauthorized aid:  

  • The teacher will confiscate any material 
  • Both students or student will receive a zero on the exam or quiz.
  • The teacher will contact the parent. 
  • The teacher will write a report and turn in materials and report it to the Dean.

-1st offense: Saturday detention
-2nd offense: Suspension
-3rd offense: Expulsion

If a student uses, purchases, or blatantly plagiarized the work of any other person with or without the expressed permission of the owner of the work (using another person's words, images, or ideas without giving that person credit):

  • The teacher will confiscate the material from both parties involved.
  • The student will receive a zero for the assignment. 
  • The teacher will contact the parents, write up an academic integrity report, and turn in materials along with the report to the Dean.

    1st offense:  Saturday detention

    2nd offense: Suspension

    3rd offense: Expulsion

