It is preferable payments are made electronically. When checks and money orders are utalized they must be made payable to St. Genevieve High School.
The school is not responsible for any payments made to individuals including coaches, moderators, etc.
When cash is exchanged, it should be done in the main office or school store where a school receipt will be issued. Office personnel are instructed to always issue a receipt for cash.
- Checks and money orders should be written to the school and never to an individual teacher, coach or moderator. This ensures accurate record bookkeeping. If there is any deviation to this policy, please let an administrator know immediately.
Saint Genevieve High School is grateful to all parents/students who take their financial obligations seriously and meet them in a timely manner. For the school to meet its financial obligations, it is necessary that tuition and fees be made on time.
Communication with the Tuition Manager: If a payment is going to be late, please immediately communicate with the tuition office.
When financial obligations are not met, it impacts the school’s ability to operate. Therefore, the school reserves the right to withhold testing, grades and diplomas as well as to deny students the privilege of participating in school sponsored activities including but not limited to dances, prom, grad night, and graduation.
Participating in graduation, grad night, the prom and other affiliated activities are privileges; they are not rights. The school reserves the right to deny the opportunity to participate in graduation ceremonies and other senior privileges as determined by the school if tuition and fees are owed to the school. Additionally, the school reserves the right to apply money paid for graduation fee, prom, grad night and other such events to any tuition in arrears and the student will then be denied the opportunity to participate in said events.
When tuition is 10 calendar days past due, a student may no longer be permitted to attend classes and/or participate in school events until tuition becomes current.
Students will receive grades of "Incomplete" until tuition is current.
Final semester exams must be made up within three school days or an "Incomplete" grades becomes an "F."
The school reserves the right to pursue legal means to collect any outstanding tuition and fees.
Tuition Office Contact: (818) 894-6417 ext. 104 with any questions or concerns
There is a $35.00 penalty for check returned by the bank, as Non-Sufficient Funds. Money orders will be required for all future payments.
There is a $30.00 penalty for all payments that are made (10) days after the due date. This includes payments returned due to Non Sufficient funds.
Tuition payments must be made through FACTS
In order to be efficient and accurate, tuition collection is done through FACTS Tuition Management Program. FACTS requires an enrollment fee to use the program which is paid by parents.
If you have any questions regarding FACTS, please contact FACTS at (800) 624-7092.
A family with an unpaid balance for the current school year may not register for the following school year until the tuition for the current school year is paid in full, unless special payment arrangements have been made in a writing signed by school's principal or administrator. School records, diplomas or transcripts will not be released until all tuition and other charges have been paid in full.
The school Administration reserves the right to refuse re-admission/registration of any student. This includes issues related to the student such as but not limited to: lack of academic progress, discipline concerns, and violation of probation. This also includes the willingness and resolve of the family to comply with the Code of Conduct and all the rules and regulations of the Parent Student Handbook