All families must be in good financial standing by the end of May of the current school year in order to return the following school year.  Each school family is responsible for signing an enrollment agreement prior to the start of the school year which states… “I/we agree that my/our financial obligation is for the complete school year. No refunds will be made by reason of absence, withdrawal, suspension or dismissal of my/our child(ren) from St. Timothy School unless mutually agreed. Should I/we wish to transfer my/our child to another private or parochial school, I/we understand that St. Timothy School reserves the right to disclose my/our payment history to the school if that information is requested. If I/we do not meet my/our financial obligations, I/we may be asked to withdraw. I/we accept responsibility for the burden of proof on any disputed transactions. I/we have the right to request statements and receipts for all transactions. I/we may review my/our account and request corrections and adjustments when appropriate.”

