Skip Navigation LinksST. CATHERINE LABOURÉ SCHOOL > chapter-4-ADMISSION AND ATTENDANCE > section-4-08-Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

Students are considered TARDY if they are not in line ready for morning assembly by the second bell which rings at 7:57 a.m. It is the parents' responsibility to see that a student arrives on time to school. Timely arrival at school teaches a child that school is important. In addition, those students who consistently arrive late interrupt the classroom and disturb the learning in progress for all students. Any student who is absent from school without valid excuse or who is tardy in excess of thirty minutes total for any month may be reported as truant to the County Attendance Officer. Parents who habitually bring their children to school late are negligent in their responsibilities to their children.  Students who receive five or more tardies in a trimester are not eligible for Honor Roll.  Students in 4th through 8th grade will receive a detention after six tardies.  Students may not be dropped off on Ainsworth Street after the first bell has rung.  Parents must proceed to the Redondo Beach parking lot, park their car and walk their child(ren) to the office.

After 8 am, tardy students, accompanied by a parent, must report to the health room/office for a "TARDY" slip in order for the student to enter class. It is entirely unsafe for a late student to be dropped off outside the school and asked to enter the school grounds on his/her own. Students who repeatedly arrive after 8 am and/or unaccompanied by a parent may be kept in the office until recess or break time to prevent disruption of the learning environment for other students.  If students arrive 30 minutes after the second bell has rung, they will be marked as half-day absence.

For safety and insurance reasons, we ask that no students arrive at school before 7:30 a.m. To ensure safety, children arriving before 7:30 a.m. will automatically be enrolled in before school daycare and parents charged accordingly. The same policy holds true after school. We ask that all students leave the school grounds at dismissal time which is 3:15 p.m. unless they are taking part in a school- sponsored activity. Students who are taking part in an after school activity such as sports, yearbook, student council, or special events practices may not leave the school grounds for any reason (such as fast food or running to a friend's house) and then return to school. Again, students who have not been picked up by 3:30 p.m. will automatically be enrolled in the after school daycare program and parents charged accordingly. Please do not counsel students to wait in front of the church, in the church or on neighboring streets before 7:30 or after 3:15 p.m. None of these areas are safe havens and students will receive detentions for these actions.  Please note:  it is imperative that all drivers vacate the back parking lot by 3:30 p.m. on regular school days and by 1:00p.m. on days of 12:45 early dismissal school days.

