​The Archdiocese of Los Angeles welcomes international students.  Through the cultural exchange of learning, praying, playing and growing together, the presence of these international students enriches the educational and religious experiences of everyone in the school community.

All international students who do not live with a relative must live in approved housing identified on the student's I-20 forms.

The school is not involved in the selection of host families.  A letter from the student's parents/guardians that identifies and approves the host family and place of residence is required.

The parents/guardians, host family and/or Agency, if used, shall notify the school if there is any change in the student's host family or residence.  Faculty, staff coaches and/or their spouses may not serve as host families or guardians.

Host families are required to meet with the school for orientation and periodically thereafter.  Host families must attend meetings and functions required of domestic parents/guardians.  Host families that are not contractually required to attend safe environment training are nevertheless encouraged to do so.

All international students are required to to be enrolled in a religion course for a grade/credit each semester.  The international student will be expected to participate as appropriate in religious functions and events.

The scoool is not permitted to waive all or part of international students' tuition, or grant them any type of scholarship or finanvcial aid.  The full international student tuition must be listed on the I-20 form and the school is bound by federal regulation to collect the specific amount.

