Accident Procedures​​

​Each location shall establish a procedure to follow in case of an accident. All accidents occurring on archdiocesan property or at an archdiocesan-sponsored event off the property must be reported immediately to the person in charge​ and to the Insurance Department​ at the archdiocese. If appropriate, 911 should be called.

​Each location should identify persons who are trained in emergency ​ first aid procedures​ and ensure that the persons can be contacted readily in case of an accident that results in an injury.  St. Catherine Labouré employees are all trained in first aid procedures.

Responding to an Injury

​​If an accident occurs and a person is injured, determine if the person needs immediate medical attention. This will depend on how serious the injury is or it appears to be: Is it life threatening (very serious) or non-life threatening (less serious or minor)?

When the Injury is Life Threatening

Call 911. Also call the injured person's emergency contact. Do not move the person unless he or she is in immediate danger of further injury. Cover the person and arrange for someone to meet the paramedics and bring them to the injured person.

If a serious injury, serious illness, or death of an employee occurs in a place of employment or in connection with any employment, California requires the employer to report immediately (within eight hours) to the nearest District Office of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA); see Reporting Work-Connected Injuries. Notify the Insurance Department of the archdiocese immediately. If the accident occurs during non-business hours, the person in charge​ at the location reports to Cal/OSHA and follows up with a report to the Insurance Department​ of the archdiocese.

When the Injury is Not Life Threatening

Administer minor first aid and then make the person comfortable.

If the injured person is not an employee or student and needs medical attention, then provide help:
  • Ask if the paramedics should be called. If so, dial 911 and then give the phone (if practical), to the injured person to make the arrangements directly.

  • Ask if anyone else should be notified. If so, call that person on the injured person's behalf.

  • File an accident report with the archdiocese, as described in Reporting an Injury or Accident.

Note: Any injured person or a student's parent/guardian has the right to refuse a medical examination and treatment. In this event, ask the person to sign the Refusal of Medical Examination and/or Treatment for Non-Employees and Non-Students.

Reporting an Injury or Accident

​​​​​Serious accidents should be reported immediately by phone, email, or other electronic communication to the Insurance Department. Written reports should then follow all accidents. Send all completed forms to the Insurance Department at the archdiocese.

Opening a File

Whenever an accident or personal injury occurs, the location may want to open a separate file for the incident. Each accident or injury file should become a log for all phone conversations and hold all correspondence relating to the particular incident.

