Skip Navigation LinksST. CATHERINE LABOURÉ SCHOOL > chapter-6-CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND ATHLETICS > section-6-01-Before & After School Policies and Programs


The Extended Day Care program is open to all children in grades TK through eight, and accepts St. Catherine Labouré students on a full-time, part-time or drop-in basis. The program includes before and after school care.

The morning program operates from 7:00 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. and is held in the Hall for grades 1-8 and in the Preschool for TK and Kindergarten.   ANY STUDENT WHO ARRIVES AT SCHOOL BEFORE 7:30 A.M. WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE SENT TO DAY CARE, AND PARENTS WILL BE BILLED ACCORDINGLY.

The afternoon program runs from 3:15 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. and is held in the Hall for grades 1-8 and in the Preschool for TK and Kindergarten.  On early dismissal days, the program will begin fifteen minutes after dismissal. ANY STUDENT LEFT ON THE SCHOOL GROUNDS AFTER THE 3:30 BELL, OR ON EARLY DISMISSAL DAYS, FIFTEEN MINUTES AFTER DISMISSAL, WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE SIGNED INTO DAY CARE, AND PARENTS WILL BE BILLED ACCORDINGLY. Any attempt to circumvent this policy by a parent's counseling a student to avoid Extended Day Care by waiting in the church, in front of the church or on neighboring streets or alleys will be considered non-supportive of school policies, may endanger the student and places the student in the middle between parent and school. Students will receive a detention for not following school rules.  The policy is in place for child/student safety. 


      • Study time provided is not a guarantee that all homework will be completed, but only that time will usually be provided for homework to be begun - parents must check their child's work nightly and realize that not every child will be able to finish his/her homework at school;
      • The parent who picks up the child in the afternoon must legally sign the child out--the child cannot sign him/her self out nor may a sibling younger than 18 years of age; other authorized persons who may sign out your child must be listed on the registration/emergency form and must be 18 years of age or older.
      • Conduct expectations for students who are staying for the Extended Day Care Program are exactly the same as the conduct expectations during the regular school day. Failure to adhere to the expectations will result in loss of enrollment in the program.
      • In following the school-wide Assertive Discipline policy, the following will represent the consequences for inappropriate student behavior in the yard and in the hall:

First offense - verbal warning

Second offense - ten minute "time-out"

Third offense - fifteen minute "time-out"/possible suspension from EDC program

      • Repeated problems will be discussed with parents.  Continued behavior problems will result in the loss of EDC services.  These same expectations govern EDC when offered during vacations and the summer;
      • School year Extended Day Care charges are due monthly. Extended Day Care services will not be provided for any family whose unpaid bill is more than one month in arrears unless written contractual arrangements for payment are executed with the EDC coordinator and/or school principal and honored accordingly.
      • When there is a child not picked up and signed out by 6:00 p.m., a $1.00 fee per minute will be charged;
      • When an identified minimum of thirty students needing Extended Care for non-pupil days during the school year (excepting national holidays and designated Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter vacation days), the program will be offered to families signing up in advance. A minimum of $15 per child/$25 per family will be charged those who sign up but do not attend.


A school may arrange with independent contractors or other outside entities to provide extended school day programs on a fee basis. For individuals hired by the school, the Professional Services/Contractor Agreement may be used; for companies providing extended school day programs, the Independent Contractor Agreement​ is appropriate. ​The school must coordinate with the archdiocese to ensure that independent contractors and entities have appropriate licenses, sign agreements to use the premises, and obtain insurance. All individuals and entities that provide extended school day programs must comply with the procedures and policies of the extended school day program and the safe environmen​t policies​ of the archdiocese.

Please note:  Students of families that are in arrears by three months or more in tuition or daycare payments will not be able to participate in extra-curricular activities.

