STUDENT COUNCIL The Catholic Association of Student Councils (CASC) is an organization which helps students to develop the talents and qualities of leadership. Students in Grades 6-8 who meet the eligibility requirements as outlined in the Student Council's constitution may hold an elected office. A week of campaigning is held in May followed by Election Day. Students in Grades 4-7 who are registered to vote may participate in the General Election.  Final decisions for Student Council officers and members are determined by the school administration and the Student Council Moderator.

  • When students are absent on a given day, they may not participate in after-school activities that day.
  • Parents are requested to assist students in decisions regarding extracurricular activities. Keeping in mind that our primary goal is to develop strong religious values and scholarship, we encourage you to limit your child's activities to no more than 2 extracurricular activities that run concurrently.