Skip Navigation LinksST. CATHERINE LABOURÉ SCHOOL > chapter-8-DISCIPLINE > section-8-1-Philosophy > topic-8-1-01-Discipline and Procedures

  1. Respect and obey teachers, faculty and parent/guardian co-workers.
  2. Complete the classroom and homework assignments. Following an absence, to contact the teacher(s) and make up the work promptly.
  3. Remain after school only to participate in school or teacher-sponsored activities.
  4. Support the St. Catherine athletic teams. Proper behavior by athletes and spectators is to be observed at all games.
  5. Support Student Council activities.
  6. Respect all students and visitors to the school.
  7. Wear the designated school uniform in the proper manner (i.e. blouses/shirts tucked in, etc.).
  8. Refrain from chewing gum or sunflower seeds, riding bicycles or skateboards in the school yard (skateboards are to be left at home), or climbing on or over any of the fences
  9. Refrain from throwing any objects, fighting or "play fighting," using profanity, vulgarity, cheating, stealing, lying, dishonesty, or vandalism.
  10. Observe the following with regard to leaving the school yard and school safety:
    • Students may not leave the school grounds at any time during the school day without written permission from a parent/guardian and clearance from the office. This includes the morning time between drop off time and the first bell and afternoon time between dismissal and start of home athletic events.
    • Students are not allowed in the classroom at any time unless the teacher is present.

Please note: The term teacher also applies to substitute teachers. In other words, students are required to respect and obey substitute teachers. Students who do not respect the substitute teacher and/or interfere with classroom instruction and/or learning will be removed from the classroom and their parents will be called.

Putting Research into Practice:
Dealing with disruptive behavior has become one of the most pressing issues in schools across the nation. Educators know of the well-established relationship between weak academic achievement and poor social adjustment. The faculty of St. Catherine Labouré School is committed to developing a school environment that is both preventative and instructional when it comes to dealing with disruptive behavior. To this end, the faculty has designed a school-wide discipline plan to increase the instructional capacity of students. The plan focuses on a proactive approach to solving problem behaviors. The students will be taught appropriate school behavior and the faculty and staff will reinforce those desired behaviors. All students will be taught to be Respectful, Responsible Scholars using the Tribes Learning Community Agreements. The four main rules (agreements) at St. Catherine Labouré are attentive listening, appreciation/no put downs, mutual respect, and the right to pass. Our students will be taught how these four agreements look and sound in all school settings, i.e., in the classroom, hallway, cafeteria, playground, bathroom, and off campus filed trips. Teachers will spend much time teaching and modeling the appropriate behaviors the first few weeks of school. The faculty and staff will reinforce these appropriate behaviors by using positive reinforcement for students who demonstrate positive behavior. This proactive approach has documented benefits: less student frustration, fewer suspensions, less violent behavior, less disruptive classroom behavior, less vandalism, improved morale among students and staff, improved attendance and achievement, development of students’ prosocial skills and responsible behavior. Most importantly, students will learn to take responsibility for their own behavior.

• The School-Wide Discipline Plan is proactive, not punitive; it is about teaching children how to be respectful, responsible scholars using the 4 Tribes Agreements.
• Discipline is not punishment, but an opportunity to teach.
• All students can learn to be respectful, responsible scholars.

Tribes Learning Community:
The clear purpose of the Tribes process is to assure the healthy development of every child so that each one has the knowledge, skills and resiliency to be successful in a rapidly changing world. Tribes is a step-by-step process to achieve specific learning goals. Four agreements are honored: attentive listening, appreciation/no put downs, mutual respect, and the right to pass. The learning of academic material and self-responsible behavior is assured because teachers utilize methods based upon brain-compatible learning, multiple intelligences, cooperative learning and social development research.

Think Time:
In combination with the above, a discipline technique called “Think Time” will be used when any student exhibits a behavior that disrupts the classroom environment. The technique emphasizes the seriousness of education, respectfulness of the classroom environment, and the importance of students taking responsibility for their own behavior. “Think Time” has two parts. The first part is designed to allow students to focus and gain control by asking them to sit off to the side. The second part is designed to provide the student feedback about his/her inappropriate behavior and an opportunity to plan for future success in the classroom. Parents will be notified when their child has been directed to “Think Time” two (4th - 8 th) / four (TK3 rd) or more times within a school week. Additionally, parents will be asked for assistance if problems persist or if a problem is unusually challenging.
THINK TIME includes three elements:
1. A precision request that reduces or eliminates warnings and/or repeated requests through early interventions by the teacher.
2. A time-out procedure, contingent on observation, or contingent on withdrawal of attention when a disruptive behavior has occurred.
3. A debriefing process to provide students with feedback regarding their behavior and to plan for the future.

Timely Correction Referral (Grades 2-3)

Students who display inappropriate behavior in the classroom or on the yard or who fail to turn in homework, will be issued a Timely Referral Correction (TC). "TC's" are issued for repeated or habitual instances of the following: Inappropriate classroom behavior and failure to do homework.  The referral is called "Timely Correction" because the requirement is to attend the session immediately following the irresponsible behavior. This extra disciplinary assistance will be Tuesday through Friday from 7:20 am to 7:50 am.  The 'Timely Correction Referral' must be returned the next morning to the teacher in charge of that morning session. Parents must sign their children into morning Timely Correction.


Referral for Homework and/or Work Habits  (Grades 4-8)

A Referral for homework and/or work habits is given to students as a warning for not following homework and/or classwork requirements.  Referrals may be either on paper or sent online through SchoolSpeak.  Three Referrals will result in a parent-teacher conference and/or result in a lower Work Habits grade.  Six Homework and/or Work Habits Referrals will result in a detention. Students in 4th through 8th grade may receive a referral from a teacher for the following:

                           Assignment not handed in                              Quality of assignment(s) below standard

                           Assignment incomplete                                   Needs to stay on task – listening and attention

                           Failure to return signed test                            Improvement needed in class participation

                           Comes to class unprepared


Referral for Conduct and/or Uniform Infraction (Grades 4-8)

A referral slip for conduct and/or uniform infraction is given to students as a warning for not following classroom and school rules. Receiving three of these Referrals will result in a detention.  Students in 4th through 8th grade may receive a referral from a teacher either in written form or online through SchoolSpeak for the following:

                           Talking during class                                        Failure to keep hands/feet to self

                           Annoying others during class                          Rough play on the playground

                           Shouting/calling out in class                           Inappropriate comments/namecalling

                           Comes to class unprepared                            Out of seat (wandering) in class

                           Uniform infraction


Detention (Grades 4-8)

School rules/regulations promote a positive and safe learning environment. To provide a positive means of working with students who ignore or deliberately violate school rules, any faculty member or recess yard supervisor may issue a Detention slip to 4th through 8th grade students for:

                           Destructive to school property                                   Unacceptable language

                           Disrespectful to authority figure                                 Three behavior infractions

                           Harassing/bullying another student                           Cheating/Plagiarism

                           Inappropriate physical contact                                   Uniform violation

                           Excessive talking                                                       Tardy six times

Detention is held every Tuesday for a period of one hour after school, 3:20 – 4:20 p.m. Parents will be notified if their child is required to remain for detention. In such a case, the student would bring home a Detention Form stating the reason for the detention, as well as the date it is to be served. Parents are asked to sign the detention form which the student must return to school the day after it is issued. Students are informed of all school regulations. Detention takes precedence over athletic practices and school activities. The accumulation of two detentions within a trimester may result in a parent/student/principal meeting and/or suspension. Continued refusal to obey school rules will result in a student being placed on probation or suspension. Two detentions during a trimester will also cause forfeit of conduct/effort and honor roll awards at the junior high level.

*Note:  Actions occurring off campus but related to school shall be dealt with as if they occurred at school, i.e. in the alley across Ainsworth or at an athletic or academic competition.

Level 1 Offense - Give the Student(s) a Verbal Warning Use positive reinforcement to reward those exhibiting positive behavior and use this as a teaching moment for those who are demonstrating the negative behavior.
Examples would be - Running - Excessive talking - Not following directions - Not prepared for class - Not lining up properly - Not following the Tribes Agreements - Not following classroom rules - Arguing during recess/free time - Littering

Level 2 Offense - Use Think Time/ Work Habit Referral
TK- 3 rd 4 TT’s in a week = note home
4 th -8 th 2 TT’s in a week= conduct referral
4 th – 8 th Work Habit Referrals
Three Work Habit Referrals will call for a conference, six Work Habit Referrals will amount to a detention.
Examples would be - Continuing negative behavior after Verbal Warning - Distracting class during instruction - Disrespectful to the teacher - Using putdowns toward classmates - Using inappropriate language/inappropriate topics - Work Habit: Missing/Incomplete Assignments - Work Habit: Unprepared, not staying on task - Work Habit: Quality of work/participation below standards

Level 3 Offense - Give an Automatic Conduct Referral/Note Home
TK- 3 rd Send Note Home (i.e. Grow Note)
4 th – 8 th Give a Conduct Referral
Three Conduct Referrals will amount to a detention.
Examples would be - Continuing negative behavior after Think Time - Leaving the classroom or playground area without permission - Bullying- using putdowns repetitively toward the same student(s) - Failure to keep hands/feet to self - Being out of school uniform - Using curse words, play fighting/rough play

Level 4 Offense - Give an Automatic TC/Detention
TK- 1 st No Level 4 Offense, go to Level 5
2 nd - 3 rd Timely Referral Correction (TC) Tues. – Fri. from 7:20 am to 7:50 am
4 th -8 th Detention Tues. 3:20 to 4:20 pm
Examples would be - Continuing negative behavior after Referral - Disrespect of school/another student’s property - Lying - Vandalism - Failure to follow the Student Cell Phone Policy - Chewing Gum - Cheating/Plagiarism

Level 5 Offense - Send Student to the Office
TK- 8 th Use Office Referral Form This sends the student directly to the office be dealt with by administration.
Examples would be - Continuing negative behavior after TC/Detention - Fighting/assault - Having controlled substances/weapons - Theft - Making threats to teachers/other students

Level 6 Offense - Suspension either In-school or at home, to be decided by administration.
Examples would be  - Once a student has received 3 Detentions in a Trimester or as deemed necessary by School Administration


Level 7 Offense - Expulsion
As deemed necessary by School Admin

