Skip Navigation LinksST. CATHERINE LABOURÉ SCHOOL > chapter-8-DISCIPLINE > section-8-1-Philosophy > topic-8-1-07-Academic Dishonesty Policy

Cheating is contrary to the philosophy of St. Catherine Labouré School. Cheating at the junior high level is cause for detention and can be cause for suspension, probation or dismissal from school. The school interprets cheating as follows, though not limited to these listed:

      • copying assignments or allowing another student to copy assignments in or out of class
      • giving or receiving answers to quizzes, tests and examinations
      • looking at another's paper or allowing another to look at one's paper
      • plagiarism, including plagiarism from the Internet
      • doing another person's work, or allowing another to do one's work
      • possession of materials known to be off-limits to students

When a student is involved in a cheating incident, the teacher takes the following actions:

  1. calls parents
  2. issues a detention (first offense)
  3. assigns a failing grade or a zero to the test, quiz or assignment
  4. forfeiture of all awards for the trimester

Repeated cheating, at any level, will lead to suspension and then expulsion.

