
Academic Honesty Policy

As a community, St. Pius X- St. Matthias Academy (PMA) students, parents, administration, and faculty strive to foster a sense of trust by endorsing an academic integrity policy. This policy requires that students produce honest work and hold their peers and classmates accountable for their actions. It is PMA’s goal to create a community of students that value academic integrity and hold each other responsible for their actions.  Academic dishonesty committed either directly or indirectly by an individual or group is well result in the receipt of a zero in the gradebook and disciplinary action. 

Prohibited activities include but are not limited to the following practices: 

  • Cheating, including but not limited to unauthorized assistance from material, people, or devices when taking a test, quiz, or examination; writing papers or reports; solving problems; or completing academic assignments;

  • Plagiarism, including but not limited to paraphrasing, summarizing, or directly quoting published or unpublished work of another person, including online or computerized services, without proper documentation of the original source;

  • Purchasing or otherwise obtaining pre-written essays, research papers, or materials prepared by another person or agency that sells term papers or other academic materials to be presented as one’s own work;

  • Taking an exam for another student;

  •  Providing others with information and/or answers regarding exams, quizzes, homework or other classroom assignments unless explicitly authorized by the instructor;

  • Any of the above occurring within the Web or distance-learning environment.

If a student is caught cheating, the teacher will take the following steps:

  1. Call Parents

  2. Issue a Conduct Referral to the Dean

  3. Give a grade of “0” for the exam or assignment

Zoom Behavior Expectations (Remote Learning)

Students are expected to treat our Zoom sessions like they are in a PMA classroom and be present at all times. Students are expected to abide by all of the guidelines in the following document: Zoom - Student Online Classroom Etiquette. As such, the student’s webcam must remain on at all times with the student’s full face in view. Additionally, students are expected to abide by the expectations in the PMA Parent/Student Handbook. Multiple reminders to abide by Zoom Behavior Expectations may result in removal from a Zoom session and referral to the Dean of Discipline. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate any technical difficulties directly to the teacher (via Zoom chat, email, or Zoom discussion). Restroom breaks and other non-class business in the household should take place during the time between Zoom classes. 

