Skip Navigation LinksSt. Louis de Montfort Elementary School > chapter-6-CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND ATHLETICS > section-6-01-Before & After School Policies and Programs

Supervision on the patio begins at 7:30 a.m.  Students may arrive at 7:30 a.m., but not earlier, and must go directly to the patio where there is supervision.  Under no circumstances may a student leave school without being checked out once they have arrived on campus.

Extended Care is held in Rm. 3 (John and Cathy Mahan Room) of the Community Center, the lunch area, and the playground.  Our grounds are safe, our supervisors are well-qualified, and the discipline standards of St. Louis de Montfort School and Los Angeles Department of Catholic Schools.

Those enrolled in St. Louis de Montfort School are eligible for registration in the Extended Care Program.
Lunch (Wednesdays and early dismissal days only)
Outdoor recreation, independent and directed
Homework period
Indoor games, directed and independent
Arts and Crafts
Possibility of tutoring available
Registration:  $20.00 per family (nonrefundable) - This covers program documentation and part of the snack provided.
Hourly:  $4.00 per hour for 1 or 2 children, $3.50 per hour for three or more children. 
Fees billed by the ¼ hour (any minutes after a ¼ hour are rounded up to the next ¼ hour). 

Extended Care fees are billed to your TADS account.  There is a $20.00 service charge for any check returned by the bank. 

