The decision to promote a pupil to the next grade or to retain him/her in the present grade should be based upon progress (or lack thereof) in the present grade, and consideration of the overall welfare of the pupil, made by carefully weighing of academic, emotional and social factors.

In the event that retention is under consideration, the following guidelines should be applied:

  • The teacher is responsible for consistent evaluation, initiation of diagnosis for suspected challenges to learning and primary attempts to offer remediation. Initially, the teacher should provide remedial help to the pupil within the school setting. If such help proves to be unsuccessful, the teacher should advise the parents/guardians and principal in order to arrange for outside remedial help.
  • The teacher should make the principal aware of any pupil with significant learning problems by the end of the first trimester. Special assessment and/or testing may then be suggested to the parent/guardian.
  • If retention is a possibility, the teacher should consult with the principal by the end of the second trimester. A conference will be arranged involving the parents/guardians, teacher and principal to discuss both retention and other alternatives.
  • Teachers will complete and retain copies of appropriate forms and correspondences (with parents/guardians) to document their actions.
  • ​In the case of a student with a severe learning problem it may be necessary to recognize that the parochial school is not equipped to meet the needs of every pupil and that, therefore, a recommended transfer might be necessary.​
  • For 8th grade students, see Graduation Requirements: Topic 5​-01-4​

