​New Students

All Students are required to complete all application materials and health screenings, before being admitted to the school. Registration and school fees must be paid at the time of registration. Prospective students are invited to visit the school before applying for admission. New students and their parents/guardians are required to meet with the teacher and/or principal prior to admission.
Returning Students

Students are required to re-register for school each year. All students will be evaluated by their teacher(s) and the administration regarding their suitability for re-registration to the school.
Students may be deemed to be unsuitable for re-registration due to any of the following issues: poor student and/or parent conduct, poor academic performance or failure of parents to meet financial and/or volunteer requirements. Parents/guardians of students who are deemed to be unsuitable for re-registration will be notified in writing of the decision prior to the date for registration. Returning students are required to pay their registration and school fees at registration time.

St. James- Holy Redeemer School has a financial responsibility to its teachers, staff and creditors. Our yearly budget is planned based on student enrollment.
Therefore, the parents/guardians of all registered students are required to pay the current tuition (less any financial aid) in full according to the following schedule. All registration and school fees are non-refundable. Students who withdraw before the first day of school will be responsible to pay for one month of tuition. Students who withdraw after the first day of school will be required to pay for the months of instruction from the beginning of the school year up to the date of withdrawal, PLUS ONE EXTRA MONTH. Parents/guardians will be responsible for the full month’s tuition regardless of the day of the month (i.e., no credit will be given or tuition pro- rated for withdrawal before the end of the month). This payment policy applies to parents to withdraw by the school administration. A withdrawal is considered to be effective only after the school principal has received it in writing.
A student’s grades will be calculated based on performance up to the time of withdrawal. The date of the withdrawal will be noted on the student’s report card.
All school property, including textbooks and other materials, should be returned at the time of withdrawal. Parents/guardians will be billed for all school property not returned at the time of withdrawal.



13.1.1 - Elementary School Admission Guidelines13.1.1 - Elementary School Admission Guidelines<p>​<span style="font-weight:700;">​​​Elementary School Admission Guidelines</span>​</p><p>​​Schools should consider the following factors when establishing their admissions policies and practices:</p><ul><li><p>​Admissions procedures shall be in writing, clearly stated, and available to the public<br></p></li><li><p>Preference shall be given to active members of the parish. </p></li><li><p>The optimum number of students per classroom is 33-35 for financial viability.</p></li><li><p>The recommended age for transitional kindergarten students is four years of age on or before September 1.</p></li><li><p>The recommended age for kindergarten students is five years of age on or before September 1.</p></li><li><p>The recommended age for first grade students is six years of age on or before September 1.</p></li><li><p>All students must comply with <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=7c52c6b6-eea1-4fc3-ac3a-90f0c442a28e&TermSetId=8b66c3a8-bdfa-4bea-9c29-07c09bf9129e&TermId=3feda398-2dc2-4755-a0b7-553018b60ed4" target="_blank">current California immunizat​ion and​ health requirements</a> prior to enrollment.</p></li><li><p>A Catholic education should be made available to as many students as possible, but the school must consider whether it has sufficient resources to meet the educational, financial and access needs of all student applicants.<br></p></li><li><p>Schools should not admit students who owe money to another school.<br></p></li><li><p>The pastor and principal shall review students' continued eligibility for enrollment in the parish school.</p></li><li><p>7-7-2021, 7-24-2024<br></p></li></ul>

