Religion Curriculum
Please see the archdiocesan handbook for more information on the permitted Religion Curriculum.
Catholic teachings and values are fundamental to our school. Faith's guiding role in our lives, in all things great and small, is examined and fostered throughout our curriculum. In addition to adhering to the Religion Standards provided by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, we provide daily experiences where students can learn about and practice their faith. The Archdiocesan curriculum, Teaching Touching Safety, requires classroom instruction focusing on awareness protection. As part of our formation experience, students participate in:
Daily prayer and Religion classes
Planning and leading weekly school Mass
Leading seasonal prayer services & Stations of the Cross
Praying the Rosary
Grade-level spiritual retreats
Celebration of feast days with a special focus on Marian celebrations
In addition to the curriculum and faith formation experiences, students are able to:
Prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion. Baptismal birthday celebrations are held monthly to recognize the importance of this sacrament.
Participate in service projects that benefit the Parish and the larger community. Activities and collections are organized by teachers, Student Council, and the Holy Childhood Moderator.
Get involved in clubs such as the Marian Club which encourages members to develop a love for Mary through prayer, group activities, games, singing, and more. And the John Bosco Club where members are encouraged to develop the spirituality of John Bosco's motto of loving-kindness, reason, and religion.
The ongoing faith formation of faculty is of the utmost importance as they play a crucial role in the religious education of our students. Administration and faculty are engaged in ongoing faith formation and extend that formation to every student so that they value and live the Catholic faith.
The links below share the Faith Vision of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the 4 pillars that stem from the 8 Living Standards, and the Religious Standards and Vertical Alignment charts for your review as a family.
Faith Vision of the Archdiocese
February 2019
Religious Standards TK-8 Vertical Progression
Grade Level Standards/The Creed
January 2019
Religious Standards TK-8 Vertical Progression
Grade Level Standards/Church History
October 2018
Religious Standards TK - 8 Vertical Progression
Grade Level Standards/Sacraments