The purpose of homework is to reinforce material already taught and to foster habits of independent study. Homework assignments consist of a combination of written work, reading, research, and study for mastery. Homework is assigned Monday through Friday. Students have a homework planner where assignments are to be written on a daily basis. Teachers may request that parents/guardians review the homework and sign the homework planner indicating that all work has been completed.
The following are average nightly homework time allotments:
TK: Optional: not to exceed 20 minutes
Kindergarten: Optional: not to exceed 20 minutes
Grade 1 – 2: Not to exceed one hour
Grade 3 – 6: Not to exceed 60 – 90 minutes
Grade 7- 8: Not to exceed two hours
Students work at an individual pace and assignments are not finished in the same amount of time. The above are average times needed. If problems arise, consult the teacher. Students may be given long-term assignments which include projects, preparation of an oral presentation, or a research paper. These assignments may make it necessary for students to work on weekends or holidays.