​​​4.4.1 ABSENCES


Please call the school office by 8:15AM the day your child is absent. This is for your child’s protection. When a student has been absent, a written excuse giving the reason for the absence and signed by the parent or guardian is required for re-admission to class. This is a state law and must be strictly followed.

Students will not be admitted back into class without a signed absence note. The excuses are kept on file for the duration of the year.

All absences, excused and unexcused, are recorded on each student’s personal record. Absences from school will be excused for illness or injury of a student. An absence will also be excused for serious illness or death of a family member. Absences for medical appointments will also be excused with a note from a physician. All other absences will be considered unexcused. Any illness that results in an absence of 4 or more consecutive days will require a note from a physician in order to excuse absences after the 3rd consecutive day a student is absent from school.

In the event that the school office is not informed by a parent/guardian of a reason for absence by 2:30 pm of the day of the absence, it will be recorded as unexcused. Acceptable forms of notification include a written signed note, phone call, or email.

If a student has 5 or more absences in a year beyond those for appointments or illnesses that have been excused with a note from a physician, a meeting will be scheduled with the administration to address the pattern of absences. A plan and contract will be created to ensure that acceptable attendance is achieved for the remainder of the school year.  If the plan and contract are not adhered to, additional consequences will be put in place, such as loss of tuition assistance, not being invited to register for the following year, or other consequences at the discretion of the school administration.

Make-Up work

When calling to report a student’s absence, parents may request make-up work to be sent home, if the student will be absent more than one day. Do not ask a teacher for homework the first day of illness. ​If they are truly ill, they should take that day to rest and recover.

The request for work must be made when the absence is called into the office. The teacher will send the work to the school office to be picked up at dismissal.  Students are expected to make up the work missed during their absence. They will have as many days to complete the missed work as they were absent.

