Summer School is generally provided for 5 to 6 weeks in the summer and taught by our Assumption BVM School teachers.  The goal of Summer School is primarily to provide interesting academics and activities in a familiar surrounding as well as support previous year learning.  It is also designed for students to accomplish their next year summer reading and assignments and avoid “summer slide” that often occurs when students do not practice reading over the summer months.  

Classes are provided in math, reading and writing along with a special kindergarten class.  The schedule can vary but is typically from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Mondays through Thursdays.  Check the Summer School brochure details provided each year in early spring. 

Summer School remains under the direction of the principal or an administrator appointed by the principal.

Courses taken to make up academic failures should be so indicated on the transcript; F grades must not be deleted from the transcript (the title, date, and academic grade of the make-up course should be clearly indicated on the transcript and the grade point average [GPA] should be adjusted to reflect the make-up grade). Taking courses for this purpose will be at the discretion and approval of the principal, school administrator, and summer school principal.



