
When a student is absent, the student misses out on teacher directed lessons and group work that cannot be duplicated. Therefore, attendance at school is imperative for the interest of the child's education. Absences can result in grades falling and excessive absences can result in a student not being promoted to the next grade level. Fifteen or more absences in one school year are considered excessive. ​

Contracts for Absences and Tardies

Students with excessive tardies will need documentation, or with excessive absences will need a doctor's note to explain the reason for missing classes. Without such documentation, the student will be placed on contract and a plan will be set in place to remedy the situation. Being on contract will result in loss of extracurricular programs, potential summer school to make up days, and/or no promotion for next grade level. (Saturday school and additional service hours)

Make-Up Work Policy for Absences and Tardies​

