Students entering the classroom late cause interruptions to the other students and the teacher who has already begun teaching. It also affects the education and the tone of the day for the child that is late. For these reasons, we will enforce the following tardy policy. If a student is not in the room by 8:00 a.m., they are considered tardy. Students that are tardy will need to go directly to the office to get a late slip before they are admitted back to class. If a student goes to class without getting a late slip, the student will be sent back to the office for the slip in order to be admitted to class.
Five tardies per quarter (10 weeks) are considered excessive and a meeting with the teacher will be required to remedy the problem. If the situation continues and the student is tardy two more times in the same quarter, a fee of $25 will be added to your tuition and a meeting with the principal or vice principal will be necessary and the student will be placed on contract. A $10 habitual late fee will be charged after each subsequent late arrival. Summer school will be mandatory for students who have excessive tardies. Habitual tardiness could result in dismissal from school.
Contracts for Absences and Tardies
Students with excessive tardies will need documentation, or with excessive absences will need a doctor's note to explain the reason for missing classes. Without such documentation, the student will be placed on contract and a plan will be set in place to remedy the situation. Being on contract will result in loss of extracurricular programs, potential summer school to make up days, and/or no promotion for next grade level. (Saturday school and additional service hours)
Make-Up Work Policy for Absences and Tardies