Skip Navigation LinksMaria Regina School > chapter-2-GENERAL INFORMATION > section-2-03-History of the School


Maria Regina School (MRS) is a parochial Catholic elementary school located in northeast Gardena bordering Central Los Angeles. Maria Regina Parish was established in 1956. Two years later, in September of 1958, MRS opened its doors to students in first through fourth grade. Sister Mary Elizabeth served as the first principal for Maria Regina School, which became a reality thanks to the concerted efforts of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary who resided in the State of Hawaii. 

In the late 1980s, after serving approximately 25 years, the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary retired from the school, but remained active in parish life until 1996. Sister Barbara Courtney of the Sisters of Notre Dame succeeded the first lay principal, Ms. Penny McTaggart, a year later. In 2001, MRS had its second lay principal, Mr. Raymond Saborio, who in 2003 led the expansion of double grade classrooms in the junior high. At least one double grade classroom within the junior high department was maintained until 2007 when declining enrollment made that unsustainable. In 2005, Maria Regina School had its third and current lay principal, Mrs. Lynnette Lino. Given the school’s financial reality in 2008, MRS reverted to a traditional single Kindergarten through eighth grade elementary school. In 2013, MRS added a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) to meet the demands of the community while striving to increase enrollment. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in March of 2020, MRS immediately closed its physical door and simultaneously transitioned to remote learning. In March of 2021, Maria Regina School adopted a hybrid-learning model in which half of the student population attended class in-person while the others continued to receive instruction virtually. This lasted until the start of the 2021-2022 school year when MRS returned to in-person instruction.
Throughout its rich history, a committed staff has served at Maria Regina School starting with the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The founders embedded their spiritual orientation and characteristics of their mission, which is to love and educate children. Education in the service of God was the charism of the order, which continues under its lay leadership. Presently, three sisters of the Daughters of the Divine Promise Order are serving at Maria Regina School. The sisters provide services as a classroom teacher and daycare personnel. The sisters are involved in the religious education of the students of MRS through the teaching and preparation of the students for the sacraments of Baptism, Penance and Reconciliation, and First Holy Communion. In addition, they evangelize and create awareness of God at MRS through the Apostolate of Meaningful Presence and Prayers as well as serve as Eucharist Ministers. Through the contribution of the laity and religious, the administration and staff of MRS carry on the mission as it strives to make MRS “a special place.”​​



