Gradelink: Grades may be accessed online using the Gradelink website.  Please find the link below to a training video for

The video will always be of access after logging into the website. The only time this won't be active is during the blackout period which is two weeks prior to the release of report cards so teachers can update final grades and finish editing comments. In addition Gradelink notifications are available via email

Report Card Information

Frequency: At St. Anthony of Padua, we give out report cards once a trimester. They are handed out during the week following the end of the grading period at an Awards Ceremony in the church, where Citizenship, First Honors, and Second Honors are also awarded to deserving students who earned them. Progress reports or failure notices are issued at the middle of each trimester. Open and frequent communication between teachers and parents/guardians is highly recommended and encouraged. Please be sure your child’s teacher has your most updated contact information and the best way to contact you. This can be given specifically to your child’s teacher at Back to School Night in September. Parents can also get email/phone notifications from Gradelink whenever a teacher adds or updates a grade. Your teacher has your child’s ID and Password so you can check his/her grades at anytime, except the small window when grades are closed before report cards are issued.

Reports for Separated Parents:  Special requests should be made to the office in writing when separate reports are needed for  separated parents/guardians.  Reports can be mailed.

Failing/Progress Reports:  Reports are sent home at the mid-point of each report card period to inform parents/guardians of poor performance in academic subjects, conduct, or in attitudes and health.

Report cards represent a summary of an entire trimester’s work.  Teachers send home student work each week, so parents/guardians must review this work on a regular basis to get a pulse on how the student is doing and what to expect during 

reporting periods.  The level of parents’/guardians’ interest and support for their child can alter student academic performance in a positive way. Returned work and important school information is usually sent home in the yellow parent envelopes each Tuesday.

Excessive absences of fifteen or more days during a trimester may result in the holding of the report card grades until the work is made up.

