Skip Navigation LinksSt. Joseph Elementary School > chapter-4-ADMISSION AND ATTENDANCE > section-4-09-Automobiles/Parking Lot


A.        You MUST park in a marked space when picking up your scholar, NOT in the middle of the aisles or double park on the streets or driveways.

B.         If you run over an orange cone there will be a $10.00 charge.  The first and last driveways are EXITS ONLY. 

C.         The speed limit in the parking lot is no more than 5 m.p.h.  This is for your scholar's safety.

D.        Scholars are not allowed to run or wait for you in the parking areas.  They MUST wait for you in the area between the church and the first row of orange cones.  This again is for their safety.


RESPECT for the adults on safety patrol is EXPECTED from all parents and scholars.​



