
​The parent is responsible for ensuring that the student arrives before 7:43 am. A student is considered tardy if he/she is not in line at the 7:45 am bell. If a student arrives after the morning prayer and pledge have begun he/she should exit the vehicle on the school-side of the carpool lane and wait inside the “safe zone” until the teacher signals him/her to join the class.

For the health and safety of our children, students who arrive to school after morning prayer has concluded must be escorted to the school office by a parent or guardian. The parent or guardian will sign the child in and the student will receive a Tardy Slip to give to his/her teacher. 

Promptness and readiness to start the school day reflect important values that set a tone for attentiveness and responsibility. We must all strive to be punctual. 

The Work Habits grade will be affected after a student is tardy more than three (3) times during one trimester.  A meeting between the principal, parents and student(s) will be required when tardiness becomes excessive.  At this point, it may be deemed necessary to place a student on a special behavioral contract in order to continue to be enrolled at OLR.​​​​

