With these teachings in mind, the Eucharist is the source and summit of our community life at Bishop Alemany. Our Eucharistic
celebrations are moments in which we participate in the life of the larger world Church and in the life of Christ. We lift our prayers
with and for each other. We acknowledge our need for, and our reception of, our Savior. We receive the nourishment that the Lord
offers us as we become that which we receive, bread for the world in the Body of Christ. At the mass we express our thanksgiving,
the very meaning of the word Eucharist.
The Bishop Alemany community rightfully expects that all members of the community are present and participatory at our Eucharistic
celebrations, including those of us who are well-Churched and those who are not, and those of us who are Catholic and those who are
of other faiths. The basic expectation is that all are respectful and prayerful throughout the celebrations, following the norms of the
Regarding the reception of the Sacrament, the body and blood of the Eucharist is only to be received by baptized Catholics, who have
received their First Communion at their parish, who are in the state of grace with God, and who have observed the required fast.
For the non-Catholic members of our community, the U.S. bishops’ guidelines for receiving Communion state: "We also welcome to
this celebration those who do not share our faith in Jesus Christ. While we cannot admit them to Communion, we ask them to offer
their prayers for the peace and the unity of the human family... (Further) Because they have not received baptism, the gateway to the
other sacraments, non-Christians cannot receive Communion."
Student Discipline Policy regarding the celebration and reception of the Eucharist:
Disruptions or demonstrations of disrespect at Eucharistic celebrations counter the very Catholic identity of Bishop Alemany High
School and, therefore, they will be treated seriously by the Deans of Discipline according to the school disciplinary procedures listed
in this handbook. Further, students who willfully act to desecrate the Eucharist in any way, including, but not limited to, the taking of
the Eucharist for any reason other than prayerful and contrite reception of its grace will be recommended to the Discipline Board for
dismissal from the school community.