Section 7-4 – Parent Service and Fundraising Requirements
Catholic education is essentially private education, and, as such, is very much dependent on outside support for its existence. In as much as public funds are not available to the Catholic school, other systems of support must be devised. Tuition alone does not cover the expense of the operation of the school. In fact, tuition only covers about two-thirds of the school's yearly expense. Bishop Alemany High School is dependent on parental support in all areas of its operation. It is the parent/guardian who is the primary educator, and the school is here to assist in this responsibility. Parental involvement is, therefore, not only desirable, but essential.
Parent Service Hours Program (PSHP) Guidelines
Each family is required to volunteer a total of fifteen (15) hours of service per family each year. PSHP hours should be submitted by the due date as indicated on the yearly school calendar. Hours must be completed within the current school year. Parents/guardians and extended family members (grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, etc.) who are 18 years of age or older, may volunteer PSHP hours on behalf of their student.
Volunteer Hours and Submitting Completed PSHP Hours
For every 1 hour of volunteer service, 1 hour of PSHP will be recorded on a sign-in sheet. Sign-in sheets will be available and need to be submitted to the Parent Service Hour Coordinator after each event, allowing volunteer hours to be recorded throughout the school year. One hour is earned for every $20 spent for any scheduled donations of refreshments or snacks with a receipt.
Volunteer hours count towards PSHP hours if the activity directly benefits Bishop Alemany High School. Volunteer services for other non-profit organizations do not count toward PSHP service hours. All unfulfilled Parent Service Hours will be charged to the family's FACTS account on Monday, May 12, 2025. Any hours performed after Wednesday, April 30, 2025, will count toward the 2025-2026 Parent Service Hour obligation.
Visit the school website for volunteer opportunities which can be found under “Parents" → “Parent Service Hours" → “Parent Service Hours Opportunities 2024-2025" or email As parent service hours are actively fulfilled during the year, the hours are updated in the system, and can be viewed under “Quick Links" as above. Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend monthly Parent Association meetings in Alumni Hall since credit will be given for attending these meetings.
All fundraisers must be pre-approved by the Advancement Office. Only fundraisers directly benefiting an Alemany organization, club, or sport will be permitted on school grounds. No outside sales or fundraisers profiting individual students and/or outside organizations will be permitted.
See Chapter 2, Topic 2-16-5, regarding Bishop Alemany High Parent Association's Mission Statement, membership and general meetings.
See Chapter 7, Section 7-1 – Tuition and General Fees, regarding the “Parent Pledge Program Fee," which provides essential supplementary funding for scholarships, educational technology, professional development for faculty/staff, innovative programming, schoolwide fundraising events, and more.