Students who ride the school van for events and activities must understand that riding the school van is a privilege and that they are expected to follow the directions of the school's driver. The school van is considered another classroom, and the rules set forth by the driver are expected to be followed just like the rules of the classroom teacher. Students who ride the school van should carry their school ID and surrender their ID to the driver if asked. The administration will not hesitate to remove the privilege of riding in the school van if the student's behavior places other students in danger and hinders order on the school van. In addition, parents could be held financially responsible for any vandalism by students. Students who violate the van rules and policies may have their van privileges removed.
All students must leave from Saint Genevieve and return to Saint Genevieve on the school provided transportation. No players may drive their cars to events. No parents/guardians are permitted on buses. Players may return from away contests with their parent/guardian or return with another adult if they have requested permission in writing from the Head coach and receive the coach's consent. Parents/Guardians must identify themselves to the coach before leaving with the player(s).
Students should be picked up promptly after athletic activities. Students and parents are expected to abide by the "20 Minute Rule" when practices have concluded. Supervision is provided for one half hour after an event or upon returning to school from an event. Parents who are late in picking up their children will assume the cost of the personnel supervising. The cost may be $10.00 for every fifteen minutes.