Students are expected to be at school and in their classroom by 8:00 am. St. Joseph the Worker School is a faith-based community, and an important part of this community is gathering in prayer. Students who are tardy miss beginning their day with community prayer. They also cause disruption and distraction in their classrooms. ​

Students begin entering the school building at 7:40 am through the exterior doors closest to the front office. Morning prayers and announcements led by the Student Council begin at 8:00. All students are considered tardy if they are not in their classroom when the 8:00am bell rings. All exterior school doors will be locked with the exception of the double doors next to the office under the pavilion. 

On Wednesdays, any student arriving after Assembly has started will receive a tardy. Students arriving after Assembly has begun must stop and wait at the drop off area until prayers have concluded before proceeding to their class lines.

Students arriving 20 minutes or later after school starts will be marked tardy as a morning absence. 

Supervised free daycare is available beginning at 7:00 am in the Hall.​

