Grading Scale 

Primary Level: Kindergarten - Grade 2
​O = 96–100​S+ = 80-84​NI = 65-69
​G+=90–95​S = 75-79​U = 64 and below
​G = 87–89​S- = 70-74
​G-= 85–86 

3rd Grade through 8th Grade:
​A = 93 – 100%​​C = 75-79%​O = Outstanding
​B+=90-92%​C-=70–74%​G = Good
​B= 87–89%​D= 65–69%​S = Satisfactory
​B- = 85-86%​ F = 64% and below​​NI = Needs Improvement 
​C+ = 80 – 84%​​U = Unsatisfactory

The Grade Ranking is described as follows: 
A/O = Consistently exceeds content-area standards and expectations. Student demonstrates mastery of skills and knowledge through a variety of assessments. Student's work is indicative of consistently superior performance. 
B/G = Frequently meets content-area standards and expectations and sometimes exceeds content-area standards and expectations. Student demonstrates proficiency in skills and knowledge on most assessments. Student's work is indicative of solid academic performance. 
C/S = Mostly meets content-area standards and expectations and sometimes approaches content-area standards and expectations. Student demonstrates a partial mastery of prerequisite skills and knowledge required for proficiency in the content-area. Student is able to demonstrate partial mastery on most assessments. Student's work is indicative of a basic understanding and application of skills and knowledge in this content-area. 
D/NI = Sometimes meets content-area standards and expectations. On most assessments, student demonstrates the need for support to achieve partial mastery and proficiency. Student's work is indicative of minimal preparation and practice in the attainment of basic skills and knowledge that will allow the student to progress to proficiency. ​

