Course Deficiency/Failure 

Academic Probation 
A student whose GPA falls below a 2.0 will be placed on academic probation for the next trimester. Any student who was placed on academic probation for two trimesters will be required to attend an appropriate summer school or academic program in order to return to St. Rose of Lima School the following school year. 

Retention Policy 
  • The decision to promote a student to the next grade or to retain him/her in the present grade should be based upon a consideration of the overall welfare of the pupil, i.e. made by carefully weighing both academic and social factors. 
  • The teacher is responsible for initiating the STEP program implemented by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles as soon as a concern is noted. 
  • The principal should be informed and the parents should be updated on a regular basis of the student’s progress and the possibility of the student being retained. 
  • The principal has the responsibility to make the final decision about retaining a student. 
  • In the case of a student with a severe learning problem, it may be necessary to recognize that the parochial school is not equipped to meet the needs of every student and that, therefore, a recommended transfer might be necessary. ​

