Skip Navigation LinksSt. Augustine Elementary School (SAS) > chapter-4-ADMISSION AND ATTENDANCE > section-4-10-Parent/Guardian and Non-Custodial Parents Right of Visitation

Parent/Guardian Right of Visitation at School​

​​1 Rules for Parent/Guardian Visits

The school may adopt rules regarding the right of any parents/guardians to visit their child during school hours. This policy must be clearly stated in the parent/student handbook.

As a general matter, it is advisable that the principal and parents/guardians work out a mutually agreeable alternative to interrupting the student’s schedule at school.

2 Rules for Non-Custodial Parent/Guardian Visits

Parents/guardians are responsible for providing any custody orders or other legal documents to the school that they wish the school to follow. Schools should take all reasonable steps to comply with these orders and are advised to ask the parents/guardians to provide the underlying agreements for these matters. The archdiocesan Office of the Legal Counsel is available to advise on how to handle these matters. The parent/guardian who has custody should be encouraged to present legal evidence to the school regarding the extent of the visitation rights of the other parent/guardian.

If a parent/guardian does not have legal custody of his or her child but has visitation rights, that parent/guardian may visit the child (subject to the school’s visitation policy and if the school does not have a legal order prohibiting such a visit). Prior to taking action, the principal must identify the parent/guardian and determine if he or she has visitation rights.

Visitation rights are usually limited by the court to specified days and hours. The principal must be aware of these restrictions. If a parent/guardian without visitation rights attempts to visit a student at school, the principal shall inform the custodial parent/guardian.

Schools may not provide legal analysis of custody orders or advise parents/guardians on the interpretation of custody orders. If parents/guardians disagree on the meaning of a custody order, the parents/guardians must consult legal counsel or come to an agreement on its meaning and provide the school with written documentation of their decision. Schools do not guarantee enforcement of custody orders. If a parent/guardian violates a custody order, schools should call the other parent/guardian, the police, or both for assistance.

3 Children in Foster Care

When a child is in a foster home and the parents/guardians request to visit the child at school, the school shall inform the agency that is responsible for placing the child in the foster home.

All visitors must enter through the pedestrian gate and go directly to the school office during school hours.  They must sign in at the office and sign out before they leave.​

