​Disciplinary Probation Procedures

Placement on Disciplinary Probation

1.      Student receives three disciplinary referrals within a 20 week period.

2.      A student commits a more serious offense (see below).

3.      A student may be placed on probation when basic classroom behavior does not improve over consecutive report card periods.

4.      Other action as determined by the Principal or Disciplinary Review Board.

Activities While on Disciplinary Probation

  1. When placed on Disciplinary Probation student and his/her parents are required to meet with the Dean of Students.
  2. The student will be placed on Disciplinary Probation for a period of time warranted by the seriousness of the offense.
  3. While on probation a student's participation in activities or athletics will be restricted for a period of time.
  4. Additional infractions committed while on probation subject the student to suspension.
  5. Following suspension, an additional offense requires a Disciplinary Review Board for continued enrollment at CSHM.
  6. While on probation a student may be required to complete one hour of community service to the school each week.​

