​​​Academic Dishonesty Policy

Cheating on a test or plagiarizing the work of others is a serious breach of the students' honor code. The misuse of AI, or artificial intelligence, is considered plagiarism. When using AI, it is imperative that a student understands and adheres to the terms of use. Plagiarism is the act of taking and passing off as one's own the ideas, writings, etc. of another.  Consequences for cheating or plagiarizing may include: receiving a failing grade on the test or assignment; a phone call to parents; a parent-teacher conference; a disciplinary referral; a detention.​

The use of the Internet for research is both a blessing and a source of ethical concern. Plagiarism, while always an issue, is made particularly acute in light of the ease of access to documents not the original work of the student. So that Internet citations may be tracked and enforced, CSHM has implemented a program in which some or all coursework will be turned in via an academic website. Learning what is and is not plagiarism is an important and sometimes subtle distinction that is imperative for students to grasp while at CSHM.

