All registered Saint Joseph High School students are members of the Associated Student Body (ASB). As member of the ASB, each student has the responsibility of fulfilling the requirements of a student, and the privilege of sharing in the benefits awarded to a student.

ASB (Student) Identification (ID)
Each Saint Joseph High School student is issued an ID card. The ID is needed for dances, athletic events, SAT testing, employment, and other Catholic School sponsored events.

If a student loses her ID, she must inform her parents/guardians. Her parent / guardian must write a note to the Director of Activities acknowledging that the student lost her ID and request a new ID card.  The Director of Activities will replace the ID card for a fee of $10.00.

ASB Executive Board
The ASB Executive Board consists of five members elected by the general student body and one member appointed by the administration based on faculty nominations. These student leaders represent the entire student body and with moderator approval, the ASB Executive Board plan and manage student events/activities, implement student ideas, and solve problems that may arise.
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Public Relations
  • CSJ Liaison (appointed)
Club Council
For the 2022-23 school year, the Club Council will be represented by the ASB Executive Board.

Class Officers
Class officers (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer an Section Representatives) are elected for each grade level: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. The class officers are members of the Student Government and support the ASB Executive Board. Class Officers are responsible for leading and sponsoring class events, including but not limited to the following:

​Grade level
  • ​Freshman BBQ (SJHS and SJB)
  • Class Competition Rally Cheers
  • ​Sophomore Lock-In
  • Class Competition Rally Cheers
  • ​Junior Ring Ceremony
  • Powder Puff Game
  • Class Competition Rally Cheers
  • ​Welcome Week Senior/Freshman Sister Activities
  • Class Competition Rally Cheers
  • Powder Puff Game
  • Prom
  • Senior Luau
  • Senior Seminar
  • Senior Brunch
  • Senior Sunset
  • Prom
  • Grad Nite