​The ASB sponsors, organizes and hosts student events, including rallies and social events.

Informal Dances
The SJHS ASB Executive Board sponsors “informal” dances during the school year, including the Welcome Dance, and are usually held in the Flynn Center. NOTE:  During the Pandemic, informal dances are held outdoors.

The students from the SJHS Bother School, St. John Bosco (SJB), are invited and many attend the informal dances. (SJHS students are invited to the SJB informal dances.) SJHS informal dances are open to any Catholic High School student with a purchased ticket and his/her proper Catholic high school student ID.
For questions about SJB dances and activities, please contact SJB directly.

The following sections includes the expectations and regulations established for SJHS informal dances. Each SJHS or SJB student and her guest should be familiar with these expectations, which are enforced by the chaperones and security guards.
  • Entrance to Informal Dances
  • Students are subject to search of property.
  • Students hereby have parental consent to participate in a breathalyzer test when requested.
  • Administration, faculty members, and parent chaperones may refuse entrance to the dance or dismiss any student from the dance, with administrative approval.
  • SJHS administration works at the dance entrance and verifies that each SJHS student who purchased a ticket arrives at the dance;
  • If a student who purchased a ticket does not arrive, for her safety, an SJHS Administrator calls her parents/guardians.
  • On campus dances are normally held from 8-11pm (dances held outdoors end at 10pm).
  • Admission is from 8-9pm.
  • Students may leave a half an hour before the dance is scheduled to end.
  • Any student with a valid reason for coming to the dance after 9pm or leaving early must make arrangements with the Director of Student Activities before the night of the dance.
  • All attendees must bring their Student ID cards.
  • Bosco students may not bring guests or dates to SJHS dances without a valid Catholic high school ID; conversely, SJHS students may not bring guests or dates to Bosco dances without a valid Catholic high school ID.
Informal Dance Dress Code
The informal dance dress code is the same as relaxed dress days. At "theme dances," dress is determined by the theme but must still comply with the Relaxed Dress Day rules and regulations. SJHS reserves the right to determine when a student is wearing inappropriate attire. If an SJHS students arrives at the dance and is dressed improperly, she may be denied entry, her parents/guardians will be called, and she is subject to disciplinary action.

Informal Dance Behavior
Below are the rules, regulations and expectations established for students who attend SJHS informal dances. The following will be enforced at dances. If an SJHS student violates these regulations, the following consequences will occur:
  • She (and her guest, if applicable) will not be admitted or will be asked to leave the dance.
  • Her parents/guardians will be called.
  • Dean of Student Life will be informed.
  • Disciplinary action will follow.
  • If a student leaves the dance, even to go to the parking lot, he/she will not be re-admitted. Students will not be allowed to go to the parking lot for any reason.
  • A student must show his/her Student ID upon entrance to the dance and may be asked for his/her Student ID at any time during the dance.
  • Students may not exhibit rude or unacceptable behavior.
  • No smoking, vaping, drinking alcoholic beverages, or use of narcotics will be allowed. Students may not have alcohol on his/her breath.
  • Students hereby have parental consent to participate in a breathalyzer test when requested to do so.
  • All students attending are subject to search of property
  • SJHS does not allow any type of dancing that may bring bodily harm to the students, regardless of the type of dance. Therefore, slam dancing, lifting, and similar activities are not allowed.
  • Suggestive or inappropriate dancing is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.Students must be picked up by their parents/guardians promptly or leave campus when the dance is over (normally 11:00 pm).
Informal Dance Security
Two security officers are on duty at every informal dance. One security officer will be stationed at the front gate at all times. They are available if any situation should arise that would warrant their assistance.