Only school rings from Jostens will be presented at the Junior Ring Ceremony. Juniors must seek administrative permission before purchasing rings from other jewelers. Families who purchase rings from vendors other than Jostens are required to adhere to the following guidelines in order for the ring to be included in the Junior Ring Ceremony:
  • The words encircling the stone must read “Saint Joseph High School.” The word “Saint” must be spelled out, not abbreviated as “St.”
  • On one side of the ring, the words “Love, Hope, and Zeal” must be written in capital letters.
  • The other side of the ring must include the Saint Joseph Seal with “SJ” and the fleur-de-lis. (See opening pages of this handbook for sample.)
  • Students may include on either side of the ring: the year of graduation, a written specific sport, club, or activity, i.e., cheer, soccer, drama, or the official name of the student.
No names or symbols that are associated with profanity, gang affiliation, or violence are acceptable on any part of the

