All students are required to take the midterm/final examinations.  If a student does not take a final exam, their grade will be calculated with the missing exam recorded as a zero. If the absence is valid (i.e. hospitalization or funeral of a family member), then the student can make arrangements with the Vice Principal to take a makeup exam.   Appropriate documentation will be required in order for this to occur.  

  • All financial obligations must be met before final exams.
  • Examinations are held at the end of each academic semester, according to the assigned days published on the school calendar.
  • Students who fail to appear at the designated time and place of an exam, except in the case of medical excuse verified by a doctor's note, forfeit the right to take the exam. Any other exception must be approved by the Vice-Principal.
  • Students who are late for an exam forfeit the time missed.  Teachers may not give individuals or a class extra time for an exam without the prior permission of the Vice-Principal.  Students must remain in the exam room the entire time of the exam period.
  • If a change in exam dates is approved by the Vice Principal, the student must take the missed exams on the day scheduled in the school calendar.​

