​​Grading Scale​

The Santa Clara Unweigh​ted Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated based on all courses.  Each grade is given a specific number of points as follows:

  • A   - 4.0
  • B   - 3.0
  • C   - 2.0
  • D   -1.0
  • F    - 0.0

  • The Santa Clara Weighted GPA is calculated based on all courses.  A grade of A, B, or C in an Honors or Advanced Placement course earns an extra point (i.e. A=5.0).
  • The University of California and California State University schools calculate GPA based on UC/CSU approved courses in 10th and 11th grade.  Your counselor can help you determine this GPA.  

    D.    COLLEGE AND "D's" and "F's"

    While a grade of 'D' is considered passing for receiving a diploma, it is not accepted for college entrance.  If a student has received a 'D' or 'F' in any class, they should meet with their counselor at the earliest opportunity to make a plan to retake the course.   

    E.    GRADING SCALE    

    All teachers in computing assignments, tests, and report cards will use the following scale:

    A+       97-100%   

    A         93-96 %

    A-        90-92%        

    B+        87-89%        

    B          83-86%        

    B-         80-82%

    C+        77-79%

    C          73-76% 

    C-         70-72% 

    D+        67-69%

    D          63-66%

    D-         60-62%

    F           59.9999% and below​

