Saint Genevieve High School recognizes the changing role of the Internet and social media website use in education and the positive impact on student learning as well as enhancing the communication between parents, students and teachers. The school recognizes parents are the primary educators of their children and encourages parents to monitor their children's online activities, especially with student's social media accounts. In addition, the school encourages parents to participate in such activities when appropriate. Parents should act responsibly and respectfully at all times and understand that their conduct acts as a role model for students and reflects on the school community. Parents must understand and accept that the faculty/staff cannot individually monitor all of the information that a student is able to access and/or post on social media accounts and that it is impossible to completely prevent access to inappropriate or controversial materials.​


Saint Genevieve High school promotes a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy regarding technology in the classroom and students are encouraged to bring lap tops, smart phones, tablets, etc.…to participate when the classroom curriculum calls for technology usage. Lap tops, smart phones, tablets, etc.…are for educational purposes only (Please see the Guidelines on Page 56). Freshmen students will have the option of obtaining an iPad from the Technical Department. The guidelines for the use of a school iPad will be shared with the parent and student through the Technical Department. Students are allowed to use cellular phones during nutrition and lunch and before and after school for personal use. Cell phone use is discouraged during passing periods. Students are not allowed to use ear buds/headphones in school buildings unless they are used in a classroom for educational purposes. Any misuse or disruption of the classroom routine will result in disciplinary action and the item may be confiscated. Items that are reported and/or confiscated for a first offense may be returned after the student has met with the Director of Character Formation and receives a detention referral. Items that are reported and/or confiscated for a second time may result in a Saturday Service and parents may be required to retrieve the item. A third offense may result in confiscation of the item until a parent conference can be held, and the student may be placed on probation with a loss of privileges. Students that are misusing their lap tops, smart phones, tablets, etc.… at school events like Evening school, mass, field trips, etc.… and are reported or have their items confiscated may not receive the item back until the following school day and may have to perform a Saturday Service.


Students may use translators as a form of an educational tool to assist with class assignments, tests, quizzes and finals to translate terms into their native language. The use of cell phones, iPads, smart watches, and the like may not be used as a substitute for a translator. Students failing to bring their translators to class, does not excuse students from their assignment, test, etc. 


Game boys and other electronic game devices are not allowed on campus. Any misuse or disruption of the classroom routine will result in disciplinary action and confiscation of the item. Electronic devices are allowed on campus and students are allowed to use them during nutrition, lunch and before and after school, but are not allowed in the classroom unless used for an educational purpose. It should be stressed by parents, as it is stressed by the staff, that electronic devices and applications on them that are used during school hours should be considered tools for learning-not for the spreading of social media. To help ensure the safety of students, students are not allowed to use ear buds/headphones in school buildings unless they are used in a classroom for educational purposes. Any misuse or disruption of the classroom routine will result in disciplinary action and the item may be confiscated. Items that are reported and/or confiscated for a first offense may be returned after the student has met with the Director of Character Formation and receives a detention referral. Items that are reported and/or confiscated for a second time may result in a Saturday Service and parents may be required to retrieve the item. A third offense will result in confiscation of the item until a parent conference can be held, and the student may be placed on probation with a loss of privileges. Students that are misusing their electronic device at school events like Evening school, field trips, etc… and are reported or have their items confiscated will not receive the item back until the following school day and will have to perform a Saturday Servic

​​​​​​Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy for Students​​

​​All parish elementary schools, parish and archdiocesan high schools, and religious education programs are committed to assisting students in becoming responsible digital citizens. They can do so by giving students authentic experiences that build their skills in collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking and that prepare them for their current and future educational experiences and careers. The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies are designed to meet this objective for students who bring or use their own electronic devices in schools or parishes or as part of their studies and faith formation.

Students may bring personal electronic devices to Locations for educational purposes with the approval of the school administration. While at school, students are required to connect to the school's filtered network connection that is compliant with the Internet Safety Policy.

Responsibility for Personal ​Devices and Their Use

  • All students and their families are required to follow the Acceptable Use ​and Responsibility Policy for Electronic Communications (Archdiocesan AUP).

  • Students are solely responsible for their own personal devices and are to permanently label devices with identifying information.

  • The Location assumes no financial or other responsibility for personal devices if they are lost, loaned, damaged, or stolen.

  • Personal devices are subject to investigation in accordance with the Archdiocesan AUP​ and the Archdiocesan Administrative Handbook (see School ​Searches).

  • Students are expected to keep their devices safe and secure at all times.​

  • If a student uses a personal device or any of its functions in a manner that intentionally violates the Location's policies or the Archdiocesa​n AUP​, the student will be subject to disciplinary consequences.

Each Location may develop its own additional BYOD guidelines to accommodate its individual situation, but all guidelines must be consistent with the policies in Communications Policies and Students and Families. Parents/guardians must sign the Bring Your Own Device Policy Acknowledgement Form​ indicating their agreement with the Location's BYOD Policy.​​

The school accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of these items. The school reserves the right to search any item brought on campus; this includes lap tops, smart phones, tablets, etc.… All confiscated cell phones are subject to search by a​dministration.

Repeated violations will be treated as defiance and turned over to the Director of Character Formation and may result in probation.​​

