Student Transfers, Withdrawals, and Graduation
Whenever a student transfers, the former school shall provide a copy of the
Cumulative Pupil Record and the original
health records to the intended school when the intended school requests the information and the student's parents/guardians submit a release. STEP records may not be transferred without specific written authorization from the parents/guardians. The original Cumulative Pupil Record shall remain at the school.
The school grants credit for all work a student accomplishes up to the time of transfer, withdrawal, or expulsion. High school students may not be able to take final exams or receive diplomas if all financial obligations owed to the high school have not been paid. Schools should inform the parents/guardians and students of the requirements for graduation. The specifics may be conveyed in parent/student meetings, in written form, or a signed agreement such as the High School Graduation Agreement (sample).
The former school shall record the transfer, reason for the transfer, and name of the school where the student is transferring or entering after graduation.
A school will not give official transcripts to students or parents/guardians. Principals may be required by the county office of education to report the transfer, withdrawal, or expulsion of any student.
For the policies on withholding student records see: 13.4.2 - Withholding of Records
7-14-2021, 8-20-2024