Parent Portal
Parents can find classroom information and homework assignments on the parent portal. Parents are given login and password information on the parent portal at Back to School Night.
Student Blue Folders
Blue Folders containing samples of the student's work and communications from the teacher are sent home every Monday to parents of grades first through fifth. This is the major source of communication with the teachers. The work should be reviewed with the child. The teacher may request that the work be returned with the folder. The Blue Folder replacement fee is $1.00.
Student Planners
First through fifth grade students are given a Student Planner by the teacher. Students are required to write their homework assignments in their planner each day. The teacher also will use the planner to communicate with the parents. Junior high students provide their own planners and are expected to continue to write down their assignments.
Weekly Family Electronic Packet
School information, office business, PTO news, and other important information are sent home on Monday of each week via Constant Contact email. Current email for one or both parents is required.
School Office
The school office is open to parents and the public during normal business hours (7:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.). Teachers and office staff arrive early to plan for the day and the office staff is often there after hours to finish work.
School Website And Email
The School has a website: that has helpful information for students, parents and anyone wanting information about the school.
The administration and teachers have email at school. Their email addresses are listed on the school website. Teachers are not allowed to discuss pupil issues by email but may use email to set up appointments or send assignments.
Voice Mail
The school has a voice mail system and most teachers and administration have an extension for this system. The extensions are listed on the school website.
Parent / Teacher Communications
Parents wishing to speak with a teacher should call, email, or send a note requesting an appointment or a phone call. Please indicate the general topic. The school office or teacher will email or call you back to set the time/day. Notes sent with students should be sealed.
Phone calls to teachers
Please respect our teachers’ time and profession and do not call them at home or on their cell phones. Only school phones and school emails should be used to contact your child’s teacher(s.)
Open House
Open House is scheduled during Catholic Schools Week, usually on a Sunday. Students and teachers prepare their classrooms and display student work for parents, friends, and parishioners. Parents and students are expected to attend.
Back To School Nights
At least one parent is required to attend this annual event held in September where the teachers outline their classroom expectations and policies for the year.
Principal Communications
Parents wishing to speak with the principal should call, email, or send a note requesting an appointment or a phone call. Please indicate the general topic. The principal or school office will call you back to set the time/day.
Board Members Communication
Board members from the PTO have mailboxes in the school office. Information may be forwarded to specific persons in their mailboxes. School Board members may be reached through the Development office.
PTO meetings are open to all parents.
School Board meetings welcome the school community.
Student Directory
As a convenience to the Saint Philip the Apostle School community we publish an annual Student Directory, which lists names of our students, parents, home phone number, address, cell, and email information. Families that DO NOT wish to be listed in this directory must notify the school office by either returning the form that is handed out each spring or sending a notice in writing by the date given. This directory is for the use of the families of the school only and may not be used for promotion of any activity unrelated to the school. It shall not be used for personal gain or made available for commercial or solicitation purposes.
Health Emergencies
Parents are notified to pick up their child if a student becomes ill or is seriously hurt during school hours. If a parent cannot be reached the school will contact one of the persons named on their child's emergency card. Students will not be released to persons who are not listed on the emergency card. For this reason you must notify the school office when there is a change of phone numbers or persons to be contacted. It is important that the school has at least two (and more is encouraged) names and phone numbers to contact in case of emergency, other than the child’s parents.
If a student is injured or becomes ill at school, the school may deem it necessary to call emergency services. If these services are called, the parent is responsible for all fees incurred by these services.