Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policies for Clergy, Religious, Staff, and Volunteers This policy applies to any electronic communications devices not issued or owned by a Location or the archdiocese and used on Location or archdiocesan premises during business or school hours for business or school purposes; it also applies to any personal electronic communications device that is used in such a manner that the archdiocese may be held responsible for its use. Responsibility for Personal Devices and Their Use
All users of personal electronic communications devices are required to follow the Acceptable Use and Responsibility Policy for Electronic Communications (Archdiocesan AUP).
Users are solely responsible for their own personal devices. The archdiocese or Location assumes no financial responsibility for personal devices if they are lost, loaned, damaged, or stolen.
Personal devices are subject to investigation in accordance with the Archdiocesan AUP.
Users are expected to keep their devices safe and secure at all times.
Each Location may develop its own additional BYOD guidelines to accommodate its individual situation, but all guidelines must be consistent with the policies in Communications Policies.