St. Teresa of Avila Catholic School
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section-5-02-Grading Policies
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St. Teresa of Avila Catholic School
section-5-02-Grading Policies
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11.2.11 - Grade Integrity and Grade Books
11.2.11 - Grade Integrity and Grade Books
<p> <span style="font-weight:bold;">Grade Integrity and Grade Books</span><br> <br>The teacher of each course determines the grade that each student receives, subject to the school's grading policy and expectations. Except in cases of clerical or mechanical error, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence, the grade is final. If an administrator suspects fraud or bad faith, he or she must consult with the <a href="">Department of Catholic Schools</a> before any action is taken. If a grading error is discovered after grades are submitted, the grade may be corrected only with the written consent and collaboration of both the teacher and elementary school principal.<br><br>A teacher's grade book (either a hard copy or electronic copy) is to be confidential and inaccessible to students. <br><br>At the end of each school year, or upon a teacher's <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=7c52c6b6-eea1-4fc3-ac3a-90f0c442a28e&TermSetId=8b66c3a8-bdfa-4bea-9c29-07c09bf9129e&TermId=adcbdbd3-75e3-453b-8f40-f3df939049c3" target="_blank">termination or resignation</a> before the end of the school year, the teacher's grade book (either a hard copy or electronic copy), along with its legend or explanation of the grading scale, becomes the property of the school and will be retained by the school for at least five years. See the "Teacher Grade Books" entry in the Record Retention Schedule (sorted by <a href="/Handbook%20Resources/record_retention_schedule_sort_category%202022.pdf" target="_blank">category</a> and <a href="/Handbook%20Resources/record_retention_schedule_sort_record_type%202022.pdf" target="_blank">record type</a>)<a href="#NF1"></a>.<br></p><p>7-21-21</p>
topic-5-02-2-Grading Scale
topic-5-02-3-Elementary School Grade Reporting
topic-5-02-4-High School Grade Reporting
topic-5-02-5-Make-Up Work/Absences
topic-5-02-6-Course Deficiency/Failure
topic-5-02-7-Conduct/Citizenship Grades