Skip Navigation LinksMaria Regina School > chapter-1-INTRODUCTION TO THE HANDBOOK


This Parent Student Handbook provides essential information about the policies and procedures that the school expects parents and students to understand and follow. Parents and students agree to be bound by the school’s Code of Conduct and all other school policies and procedures contained in this online Parent Student Handbook, which is considered binding (as stipulated below). The school reserves the right to amend the Parent Student Handbook at any time. When amendments are made, parents/guardians will be notified and  asked to sign an acknowledgment of the changes. Kindly familiarize yourself with the pertinent information, policies, procedures, etc., contained in this Parent Student Handbook.

Each family must sign a contract/agreement annually.  A family can be asked to withdraw from the school for violations of the contract/agreement.

The principal, in consultation with the pastor, is the final recourse in all-disciplinary matters and can, for just cause, at his/her discretion waive any disciplinary regulations.



