


Communicating with stakeholders, especially parents and guardians, is crucial to the development and progress of students at Maria Regina School (MRS).  By using these channels of information and communication below, parents—the primary educators of their child—have up-to-date information conveniently available.


A yearly calendar showing the schedule of vacation, holidays, and special activities is given at back-to-school night and may be included in the Parent Student Handbook. Please keep this as reference throughout the year.

Please Note: Calendar is subject to change.  Any revised calendars will be provided in the monthly Family Packet, the monthly newsletter, email, text, and MRS website (mregina.org).


A newsletter of activities is sent via email once a month to each family’s email account. The email contains information, announcements and schedules pertaining to school activities and should be read for ready reference.


Once a month, calendar and lunch menu will be sent home on/around the third week of each month.


White folders will be sent home containing graded hardcopy work, test, quizzes and other student assessment. Parents are to return the coversheet and/or folder signed with their child on the next day of school. It will cost $5.00 to replace a lost or damaged folder.


Class websites via Weebly.com may be utilized by teachers to allow parents access to view homework, notes, projects, book reports, and other pertinent information.  These class websites, if available, may be linked to the school website (mregina.org), which make for easy accessing by parents.  


The school uses Gradelink, an online grading system, which allows parents to access student grades at any time. Parents are encouraged to regularly check their child(ren)’s Gradelink, Google Classroom, Seesaw, and/or any other digital ​platforms being used by their child(ren)’s teacher(s) in order to monitor their child(ren)’s academic progress (including poor scores and performances), upcoming assignment due dates, missing assignments, etc. Doing so will eliminate any ‘surprises’ (unforeseen/unexpected results) on your child(ren)’s midterm progress reports and end-of-trimester report cards as well as allow for timely interventions to address areas in need of improvements and support in completing/making up assignments within the permitted timeframe.


School Reach/Messenger is a form of communicating with parents that provides information about upcoming events and meetings. Like Gradelink and any available class websites, School Reach/Messenger is a means to enhance home-school communication with an eye to better support student learning. Through School Reach/Messenger​ and the use of the other forms of available home-school media, parents—the primary educators of their child—have up-to-date information conveniently available.


School-scheduled Parent-Teacher Conferences are held at the end of the first and second trimester. If a parent wishes for a conference at any other time during the school year, an appointment should be made by calling the school office during school hours, emailing teacher, or by sending a note to the teacher. Any note sent to or from a teacher should be in a sealed envelope.  

Parents are reminded that teachers may only speak with a parent and/or legal guardian of students. Other relatives, friends, and family associates are not permitted to request or be present during conferences. In cases of divorced or separation, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent, not the school, to inform the non-custodial parent on matters of discipline, progress, and times of conferences. Teachers are not required to schedule separate conferences with divorced or separated parents.

Note: During the school day, the teachers have assigned responsibilities and will not be available to parents unless an appointment has been made and confirmed. Teachers are responsible for the supervision of students’ immediately after school until 3:15pm and are not available for conferences at this time.

